14 signs that You have worms

It is proven that parasites or worms, as they are called in the people) can affect and "colonize" the man's organs, including the eyes, the brain, the heart.

The symptoms of helminthiasis

But it is fraught with the development of serious pathologies, among which:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • iron-deficiency anemia,
  • the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • neurological disorders
  • the education of the granulomas in the lungs, liver, abdomen,
  • the weakening of the immunity.

Look at the symptoms, in conjunction with each other can indicate the presence in the body of the parasites.

The symptoms of helminth infection (worms)

Itching helminth

One of the symptoms most characteristic of the helminth infection (the presence of worms in the body) is itching in the anal area passing. The pruritus is often amplified in the night, when the parasites lay their eggs, give off toxic substances.

Eruptions on the skin when the earthworms

Skin rash, flushing (redness) and itching can speak in favor of the presence in the body of the man de-worming.

Moreover, the toxic substances released into the blood by the parasites, by accumulating, cause of disorders, which, by their external characteristics are similar to the manifestations of serious diseases, such as eczema and hives.

The grinding of teeth during sleep

Bruxism (or teeth grinding) is a reaction of the nervous system of man to a stimulus, which is a parasite.

Because the teeth grinding is most often seen in a dream, when we are not able to notice it, note the following symptoms:

  • progressive obliteration of the teeth,
  • the increased sensitivity of the tooth enamel,
  • the pain and discomfort in the jaw
  • the traces of mastication and of the roughness on the internal surface of the cheeks.

However, on several occasions the research activities, which have attempted to establish a link between teeth grinding and worms have not given positive results.

Eruptions on the skin when the earthworms

Scientists say that the grinding of teeth during sleep is a consequence of malocclusion, diseases of LOR-bodies, or nervous disorders.

Worms and weight loss

It is considered that the thinness is one of the signs of helminthiasis.

In effect, the parasites is not a simple poison the body of the man, and they deprive him of the opportunity to obtain the necessary amount of vitamins and nutrients. As a result, the person first experiences a sensation of hunger, even if tightly eaten, and, secondly, is to lose weight.

Another possible option: on the bottom of the poisoning, may lose appetite, which also leads to loss of weight.

Constipation worms

Frequent constipation for no apparent reason, may indicate the presence in the body of the earthworms.

The fact that helminths contribute to irritation of the intestine and disrupt the process of digestion, in consequence of which reduces the absorption of water in the body, which causes constipation.

In addition, a large gathering of parasites of large size occurs an overlap between the biliary tract and intestinal means, in respect of an act of defecation is significantly reduced, and the process itself is linked to unpleasant feelings.

The diarrhoea on earthworms

Some types of parasites produce substances that, cumulatively, eliminated from the body, the chlorides and the sodium, following which, and you experience frequent urination at the defecation.

The diarrhoea on earthworms can be observed due to the inflammatory process, created by the fact that the parasites attach to the walls of the small intestine, forcing them to spend such an amount of liquid with which infected the body is not able to cope.

The grinding of teeth during sleep

The flatulence of worms

Bloating and abdominal pain, increased flatulence may be the result of inflammation of the intestinal wall, that the perpetrators of parasites.

Special attention to these symptoms, you should pay it to those to whom they appeared after a trip to a country with a bad environment.

The pain in the joints during earth worms

The toxins secreted by the parasites penetrate the muscles, as well as in joint fluid, preventing the nutrition of the tissues. This leads to inflammation in the joints and muscles, and is accompanied by painful sensations in a brutal or nature.

Anaemia helminth

Some types of parasites feed on blood, which can lead not only to a loss of blood, and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

On the background of anemia in the man, whose body "live" of parasites, the following symptoms are observed:

  • increased fatigue,
  • fatigue,
  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • headaches,
  • the notice blanching of the skin and the sclera of the eyes,
  • dyspnea,
  • palpitations.

Allergies, helminth

Worm infestation is not only to produce toxins, poisons the body, and to violate the integrity of the hull of the intestine, which leads to a dysfunction of the immune system.

The pain in the joints during earth worms

The nervous system in earthworms

There is evidence that the toxins produced by the worms, have a negative impact on the nervous system of an infected person, which is manifested by irritability, mood swings, apathy, depression, decreased concentration and memory.

Sleep disorders in earthworms

Difficulty falling asleep, a sensation of weakness in the morning, regular spill at night (especially between two and three o'clock in the morning) should be a warning, in fact, all of these symptoms can occur on the background of the presence of parasites in the body.

Cramps helminth

In severe cases, the poisoning of waste, parasites in the brain that can cause seizures.

The worms in the lungs

During the migration to earth can penetrate into the lungs, as evidenced by the following symptoms:

  • cough,
  • resistant to a temperature rise to low-grade fever figures
  • mucus,
  • the runny nose.

Don't forget that it is parasites can cause the development of these terrible diseases like pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Practical advice to helminths

A doctor can treat worms?

The symptoms of the presence in the body of the parasites are versatile enough and washed out. Therefore, in case of suspicion of helminths, the adults should go to a therapist , and the children to the pediatrician . If necessary, will be drawn by the physicians of related specialties.

Analyses on eggs a worm

Suspected cases of helminth infections, may affect the conduct of research the following:

  • Three times the analysis of the kala (the pause between the studies is 3 – 4 days).
  • A detailed analysis of cala more informative thanks to the technology of the PCR ).
  • Scratching Enterobius (it should be noted that the Enterobius of this analysis is not useful).
  • The analysis of blood leukocyte formula (when the parasitic diseases shows an increase in the number of eosinophils).
  • The serological analysis of the blood on the immunoglobulin , which allows to determine the location of the parasites in the human body.
  • The ULTRASOUND of the liver will show an increase of the size of the organ, which speaks of an inflammatory process, which is caused by toxic effects of the parasites.
  • The brain MRI will help to establish the presence of parasites directly in the brain.
Cramps helminth

How to get rid of worms?

Anthelmintic treatment should be administered exclusively by a physician.

Independent of treatment may be unnecessary, because in the fight against various types of parasites of medicines are applied to a different group.

In addition, the self-medication of helminthiasis dangerous, as the anthelmintic drugs includes the poisons, the agencies in the event of non-compliance with dosage and mode of toxic effects on the body.

The prevention of helminth

Will help to prevent the penetration in the organism of parasites, the following activities:

  • Washing hands after the walk and before meals.
  • Drinking boiled or purified water.
  • The exception of the reception in the salt food, dried and dried fish, which has not been certified.
  • The thermal treatment of meat products.
  • Wash thoroughly vegetables and fruit.
  • The exception of swimming in dirty water.
  • The conduct of the prevention of worms for all family members, as well as in domestic animals.